GeneX - Shatterverse Chapter 1 - The Missing Mobian Mystery Sonic & related characters (c) Sega GeneX-related OCs (c) 2BIT "This is Katie the Coyote reporting on week three of the Mobian-napping crisis. It seems new victims are vanishing by the day, including some of this reporter's own friends; Libra the fennec and young Tommy the porcupine. Still not ransom notes, but the Troblusk Police have set up a task force to find out just what is happening to the missing Mobians..." Officer Ridley the coati shut off the TV and turned as the task force stepped into his office. Along with rookie Officer Chet the cheetah and Agent Guard the gargoyle, they had enlisted the aid of Detective Doyle, former criminals Fera the wolf and Violet the echidna, and the newest rookie on the force, Copter the fox. Gemini the fennec was also there, along with Patch the fox as a witness. "What do we got here?" Doyle grumbled, flicking a chewed toothpick into the waste basket. Patch stammered a bit. "Hehe... W-well you see, I was with Daisy, then she was gone! Poof! Hehe... Big flash of light, and then she's disappeared! It was aliens, I tell ya!" he shouted, shaking an irritated-looking Guard excitedly. "Yeah, I don't think aliens took Tommy..." Chet sighed. "Or Illusi." Fera added with a frown. It appeared Illusi might have been the first victim... At least, that was Fera's current theory. Ridley nodded. "Aliens are low on the suspect list, yeah... Any magical luck finding your sister?" he asked Gemini. Copter patted her back as she shook her head. "Can't believe I make it through basic training and then Libra's gone. Don't even got a uniform yet..." he grumbled. "Don't make it about you, Copter. This is serious!" Violet said, "No ransom means it's not about money...which can be BAD." she said as an "expert criminal consultant." Copter let out a sigh. "I know... Yeesh, heck of a first case..." he mumbled. The meeting ended, and Copter walked out of the police station with Gemini. "You alright?" the fox asked the fennec. "Just hoping she doesn't come home as a brainwashed killer again." Gemini sighed. This wasn't the first time Libra had gone missing. "Well, that's a cheery thought. Tommy coming back a psycho..." Copter grumbled, scratching his head awkwardly, "I'm on the clock, though, so I'd better find some clues. I'll try asking Tails, he's...probably better suited to this job than I am." he shrugged. Gemini kissed his cheek. "Give yourself more credit." she said as Doyle stepped out of the station behind them. "Word of advice... Prepare for the worst. These stories don't always have happy endings..." he said before walking away. Copter and Gemini both looked worried by his words. "What about time travel?" Copter asked. "Stop that! It makes too much of a mess and you know it." Gemini groaned. While they were leaving, Ridley and Chet came out of the police station next. "We could sure use a more seasoned officer here, like Paynson...or Razor..." Chet sighed. Ridley placed a hand on his shoulder. "I miss him, too..." he said. "Psst!" A voice caught their attention, and they saw someone wearing an oversized black jacket and a...sombrero? Chet kept a hand on his holstered gun as they approached the man. "You're looking for the abducted Mobians?" the man asked. "Of course." Ridley stated. The man handed them a paper. "Try this address. You never saw me..." the man said quickly, hurriedly running away. Ridley and Chet stared after him with concerned expressions as he stumbled, his hat falling to the ground. They couldn't see his face, but the worried-looking Doug Stone hastily picked up the sombrero. "I need a better disguise..." he whimpered as he fled. Tails was at his computer, keeping track of Sonic through the feed from a drone as Copter walked in. "Hey, there... Is Sonic beating on Eggman robots??" Copter stammered, looking at the screen. Sonic was indeed tearing apart Egg Pawns as he proceeded through Eggman's lair. "He's checking to see if Eggman's behind the kidnappings. He's lied about retiring before..." Tails explained. "I think it's obvious! Look at these robot guards!" Sonic shouted, able to hear them on the other side of the screen. "Well, none of the robots are dropping animals, though, so at least he seems to have stayed true to that part." Tails observed, glancing at Copter, "But yeah, if Eggman's not behind this, I don't really have any more theories for what happened to those Mobians..." he stated. Copter looked at the screen, watching as Sonic spin-dashed through several Pawns on his way to find Eggman. "Back to being the guy in the chair, Tails?" Copter asked. Tails shrugged. "Sometimes it's just faster this way. Remember, none of us can really keep up with Sonic. If he needs me, I'll be there as soon as I can." he stated. Dr. Eggman's agitated voice sounded through the screen as Sonic found him. "Cease! Desist! My poor, innocent defenses!" the doctor shouted as Sonic kicked aside what used to be an Egg Pawn. "If you're so innocent, why the defenses?" the hedgehog asked. "I'll always have enemies..." Eggman grumbled. "Yeah! Like YOU!" shouted Char, flitting behind him. Sonic tapped his foot. "So, no kidnapped Mobians here? You won't mind me lookin' around then?" he asked. Eggman nodded, waving Sonic into his lab. "So flattering of you to think of me, but I've no use for your missing friends..." he stated. Copter turned away from the screen with a sigh. "Of course, that'd be too easy. Well, thanks, Tails, I'm gonna go see how Gemini's doing..." he murmured. "We'll tell ya if we hear anything!" Tails waved. And so, with no clues to go on, Copter made his way back to Troblusk City. "Man, this city stinks. All the crime and kidnappings... Why do we all live here?" he grumbled. It really wasn't as bad as it had been; The gargoyles had gone straight, and the Covenant of Despair was gone. But of course, there was still BOMB. That organization had naturally been their first thought when Mobians started vanishing, but interrogating some of their agents turned up nothing. At any rate, though Copter was lost in thought as he walked, he wasn't too distracted to notice when sounds of struggle arose close by! He ran to check it out. "TPD!! I don't have a gun or a badge but I will arrest your sorry- Chet!" he shouted, finding Chet collapsed in the street. He hurried over to help him up. "What happened? Where's Ridley?" he asked. Chet groaned, sitting up on the ground. "We got an anonymous tip to check this address... B-but it was a trap..." he grunted. "Was it BOMB? It was BOMB, wasn't it? Tell me where they are, I'll wring their... I mean, I'll arrest them totally by the book!" Copter said hurriedly. "I... I dunno. They struck fast and without warning. I couldn't...see... Copter, look ou-" Before Chet could finish speaking, a bright light engulfed both of them! They were surrounded by a strange, colorful energy, and in an instant they both vanished! "You wanted the missing Mobians... Say hello to them for me! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!" a voice laughed as an egg-shaped shadow loomed over the spot where Copter and Chet had been... Copter stumbled and tumbled, eventually coming to a stop at the end of an alleyway. "Ooow, ughh..." he groaned, standing up slowly. "What hit us, Chet...? Chet??" There was no sign of the cheetah. Copter stepped out of the alley and looked around. "Huh? Were we teleported? I don't recognize this street..." he mumbled, walking along the sidewalk slowly, looking around. It looked like Troblusk City, but something was off. Copter spun his tails, flying up high to try and get his bearings. As he looked at the skyline, his eyes widened in shock. There stood the Troblusk City Clock Tower... The tower that had been destroyed by the Lost Ones! It looked a bit different; The clock was digital now and the architecture looked a bit more modern, but... It shouldn't have been there! "That's supposed to be the memorial... What the heck?? Am I in the future...?" he wondered, dropping back to the street. "Chet! Cheeeet!? You out here? Come on, Chet, things are gettin' weird!" he shouted. A motorcycle cop pulled up to where he was shouting. "Ah! Officer, good timing! We may have officers down around here!" he said, gasping as the officer removed his helmet. "Maybe you'd like to tell that to our boys downtown?" the officer stated. Copter stared at him in shock. "It can't be... Razor??" It couldn't be, but it was. Razor was alive? It couldn't be the future, then, but it also couldn't be the past. The clock tower wouldn't downgrade before its destruction. Copter backed up, holding his head as he tried to think this through. "Wait, this is good! You can help us find your brother, Tommy!" he said without thinking much. Razor pulled out his gun and pointed it at him. "I don't know who you are or how you know that name... But nobody talks about my dead brother!" he shouted. Copter gave a light groan. "Same old Razor, always with the gun in my face... Oh, there he is, hey, Chet!" he shouted, waving. Razor looked, but didn't see anyone. When he turned again, Copter was running. "You're stupid like Razor, too!" Copter shouted. "We'll see who's stupid once I got you in a cell!" Razor growled. And so, the familiar scene of Copter fleeing from Razor's police motorcycle was playing out once again. However, the fox had some element of surprise today. "He doesn't know who I am... So he doesn't know about Chaos Whirlwind!!" Copter smirked, turning to send his Chaos-charged wind blowing at the motorcycle, causing it to wobble a bit as it moved. "Huh... It's pretty sturdy..." Copter murmured, leaping into flight so he could breeze past a busy intersection! Razor turned on his siren and weaved through the traffic, undaunted. "Is that you, Tails? Bit more goth than usual today, aren't ya?" Razor shouted. "I'm not goth! This is my actual fur!" Copter shouted back. Razor was gaining on him, but Copter saw a taxi with its door open, the previous passenger just leaving. "I got next! Drive, drive, drive!" the black fox shouted. The cab started to speed off, and Razor broke off from pursuit as the cab turned onto a busy road. "No need to endanger the public... I've got the license plate..." the porcupine murmured. In the cab, Copter took a deep breath, sitting back. "Gotta be Mia... Thanks, Mia." he said. No other taxi driver would stick their neck out for him, right? However, the driver responded with a gruff, male voice. "They call me Marv, not Mia. An' just so ya know, fleein' the cops'll cost ya an extra 20%." The voice was familiar, and Copter checked the mirror to see who it was. "Huh... Detective Doyle??" he stammered. "It's Marv. I don't know no detective. Hey, how'd you know my last name?" the driver grunted. Copter rubbed his face and sighed. "Never mind. I need a safe place to figure things out..." he stated. Marv chuckled. "Figured as much. Already on the way..." Copter would need a place to think things through. Razor alive? Tommy...dead? Doyle, a cabbie? This wasn't the Troblusk City he knew... Copter was quickly figuring out that this was, in fact, a totally different world! To be continued... Egg Memo X3 There's another Sonic! I witnessed him appear on that destroyed world! And I know it's a second Sonic... I maaay be monitoring my own blue nuisance. Of course, I can't rule out time travel, but... Scans suggest that the portals opening the way to that world are not temporal in nature. In fact, the energy isn't too unlike the energy of the Chaos Emeralds...yet still different. My hypothesis: Alternate dimensions! Wouldn't be my first dealing with that concept either, however... I've never encountered another Sonic before! I'll try not to be too repulsed by the thought of a multiverse of Sonics... I need to determine how this discovery can help me. First, we need a way to observe the multiverse...