## Terms of Service You should first consider and accept, before ordering a commission, the statements below. > I can willingly decline your commission if: - I feel I'm not skilled enough to deliver a good reproduction of your order. Like all artists, there are things I specialize in, while there's others I'm not really good at. If you order something that includes: + realistic human faces + complex urban landscapes + complex machinery like mechas and robots + heavy focus on feet or paws I can TRY to draw it, but the results will most likely be unsatisfactory and I suggest you find someone else. - You've commissioned me the same scenario and/or fetish, that I don't usually do, more than thrice. As much as I'm able to try new things, I'd like to keep some thematic consistency in my gallery. Take a look at the previous personal art I've done and try not to stray far too often from it. - Your order is designed with offending and aggressing a particular group of people in mind. I really don't like mixing my art, made for entertainment, with political themes and messages too much. I can allow images depicting flags, uniforms and such, since they only represent philosophies and don't necessarily equate to harming certain people. But images depicting, for example, acts of punching nazis or killing jews, are things I will not tolerate. > How you will pay. The only payment method available is in cryptocurrency. Paypal, bank transfers and even cash mailing are off the table. I will not touch a single dollar, euro, pound or yen. I can give you some directions on how to get it, if you want to commission me but never dealt with this stuff before, but I can't do all the work for you. I mainly accept Monero and BTC (leaning more on Monero for its privacy and fees), but I will consider other cryptocurrencies you may have. I'd appreciate it if you make sure your BTC wallet has support for bech32/native segwit addresses (the ones that start with bc1). Having to use my dummy p2sh-segwit wallet to support legacy is a hassle I'd rather skip through. As for the times of payment, you can pay upfront, right after I accept your commission and give you a receive address. Or you can pay half-for-half. Half of the price upfront, and the other half when I'm half done with your commission. > About copyright. When your commission is done, and you have paid the full price, you may use my art however you want, as long as you give credit to me and don't claim to be the sole producer of it. I do mean however you want. Paywall it, put it on a shirt, use it on a video, burn it in a grease fire. If your commission involves a character you don't own or have the legal rights to, I will still do the art. But keep in mind that, in the off chance they complain about it, and decide to take action, it's gonna be on you to defend yourself. I still encourage getting their permission whenever possible, as to avoid petty fights. > Your privacy. The only information I will know is the information you give me. I keep the names of my clients for future reference (like recording sales) and for crediting the idea/story they wanted me to draw. You can ask to be kept anonymous in these use cases, but if you're really paranoid about it, you can always use aliases and dummy accounts when contacting me. > How it works. You, the commissioner, must send an email to marinamarshmallow[at]rape.lol containing the following: - Inkbunny username - type of commission - your idea - links to references of the characters - type of payment I will respond, and in case I accept your commission, I will give you a rough estimate of when I'll start working on it, along with a receipt address for the payment. I will update you on most stages of the drawing, with you being able to request any adjustments free of charge. If your type of payment was half-for-half, I will only keep working past the first half of the drawing once I am fully paid. A different address will be used for the second payment. When your order is done, I will send you the finished product in full resolution, in a .zip archive if there's more than 3 files, before posting it on my Inkbunny.